Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cubs Comic Relief night…

This Thursday, our cubs got into the spirit of...

Each Six did a short presentation about a charity involved in helping children from the UK or the rest of the world. They had done some research at home through the week. The Green Six presented about Children in Need, Blue Six about Comic Relief itself, Red Six about Oxfam, and Yellow Six about Barnardos. Some cubs had put an awful lot of work into this, which was really great to see! Well done!

Later, we learnt about the problems caused by landmines throughout the world. I’d hoped to show these two video clips…
Landmines video 1 ... Landmines video 2 …but because of technical problems I told the stories portrayed in them instead! We learnt that Comic Relief spends some money clearing landmines, and some helping those who have been injured by mines. Then we played a blindfolded minefield game, putting a fun slant on this very serious problem.

We talked about what makes us happy, and what Comic Relief think kids need to make them happy, and we learnt some facts about Africa and child poverty.

Any Cubs who would like to donate some of their pocket money to Comic Relief can do so with their parent’s help by
clicking here.

Ethan, Nathan and Wesley were presented with their Hikes Away 1 badge, which they earned in the Peak District recently. Well done guys!

See you all tomorrow for the Mother’s Day Service!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beaver Quiz

Thanks to all who turned up last night. Our team did realy well (some of the questions had me scratching my head), but unfortunately we were pipped at the post by Darfield who were the eventual victors.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Synergise Centenary Camp

Cubs and Scouts are invited to attend the Synergise County-wide Centenary Celebration Camp.

It will be held on 4th to 7th May 2007 (May holiday weekend) at Hesley Wood.

This is a fantastic opportunity to try loads of exciting activities that we can’t normally offer because of Adventurous Activity Permit rules. It’s also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take part in a large camp with hundreds of other Cubs and Scouts.

The total cost including food is £45 for the 4 days. (The organisers have reduced the price since we last told Scouts.) As Ian, Spud, and Chill are the only Ardsley leaders able to attend, places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, and may need to be limited by adult to child ratios.

Reserve your place by returning the tear off slip from the note we give you this week, and pay your £20 deposit by Thursday 29th March 2007 at the latest.

Further info at – but please don’t book online yourself – we’ll book for you as a group.

Keep your eye on the blog for updates.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Muddy Bike Ride!

James, Robert, Lewis, Ewan, Nathan, Daniel and Spencer all had a great time on the Muddy Bike Ride this Saturday morning. We started out nice and clean…

…but it wasn’t long before they got the hang of it (the clue’s in the activity name)…

…Lewis decided to do some stunts for the camera… although it was Nathan who crashed just after this pic!

And just in case any parents are still wondering why we asked the kids to come in old clothes…

For those of you who didn’t come, I’m sure we’ll be running a similar activity in the near future… maybe even a sponsored weekend ride! Anyone up for it!?

You Win some, you Lose some…

While our Scout PLs and APLs made it up Lose Hill a few weeks ago, last weekend it was Kieran, Ethan, Wesley, and Nathan who went hiking… and they made it up Win Hill!

While layers were stripped off on the way up…

…it wasn’t long before they were needed again! It was a bit blustery on the top (minus 11 with wind chill we’re told)…

…but despite getting a good soaking, spirits were high all day! (Ethan morphed into a zombie for this one!)

I’ll be trying to run another hike soon, so if you’ve got the energy for it, get your boots (and waterproofs) ready!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Beaver Quiz
Wednesday 14 March at Wombwell HQ. Drop off and pick up there. 6-7pm. Wear uniform. No money required. Come on Ardsley Beavers - let's win it this year!!

Cubs News
1. Matchbox Challenge.
In connection with our centenary activities each Cub is challenged to fill a small matchbox with 100 items. Each item must be different and the matchbox must be able to close. They have as long as needed to complete this challenge but the first one to do it will win a prize.
2. Global Challenge Badge
This week each Six chose a children's charity to research. Next week they will help their Six to present their findings to the Pack. If Leaders feel that the individual Cub has tried their best to contribute to this it will count towards the badge.

Welcome Liam H. Samuel C. Mason E. Spencer L. and Cameron to the Group.
Beavers and Cubs both now have a waiting list!!
Scouts welcomed Hayley, just up from Cubs.