
Thank you for your interest in joining Ardsley Scouts.

Joining is easy. You can apply online. Or, alternatively download a membership application form. Either way, you should hear from us within 14 days.

Beavers: to join Beavers you must be 6 or 7 years old. Beaver meetings are held on Wednesdays from 5.30pm to 6.45pm. If you are under 6 we can put you on our waiting list, which will improve your chances of getting a place when you turn 6.

Cubs: to join Cubs you must be at least 8 and not more than 10½ years old. Cub meetings are held on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.15pm.

Scouts: to join Scouts you must be at least 10½ and not more than 14½. Scout meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7.00pm to 9.00pm.

Explorers: to join Explorers you must be at least 14 and not more than 18. Explorer meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7.00pm to 9.00pm.

All meetings are held at the Scout Hut, which is on Doncaster Road, adjacent to Christ Church, Ardsley, opposite the Oaks WMC.

Please note, from time to time we operate a waiting list if places are oversubscribed.

Adult Volunteers: We're always happy to hear from adults interested in volunteering.

For further information or assistance please email info @ ardsleyscouts dot org dot uk.

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