Sunday, July 15, 2007

My final fairwell...

On Thursday our Cubs completed their Emergency Aid Badge. Over the last few weeks they’ve been learning their ABCs… whose ABC? Mine of course… ask them and they should be able to fill you in (DR’S ABC)! They’ve also learnt about what to do at the scene of an accident, and what to expect if they need to make an emergency call. They’ve acted out road and bike accidents (sorry about the bloody shock for a few unsuspecting parents!), and this week each Six made and performed a rap or song about the Green Cross Code.

For those of you who don’t know, this is my last week as a Cub and Scout leader in Ardsley, as after Summer Camp I’m moving back to Glasgow due to work. It’s been really nice getting to know you all, and I wish you all the very best in your futures!

Take care,

Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer Holidays

Weds 18 July there is a Scouts, Thursday 19th a Beavers but NOT a Cubs (most will be discoing at their Leavers party at school). There will not be any meetings on the 25 and 26 July as we are on Summer Camp with nearly all our Scouts and two thirds of our Cubs. from then on there will be Scouts, Cubs and Beavers as normal throughout the summer holidays.
Leaders would like to wish you all a very happy summer whether you are going away or not and would like to say thanks a lot for your continued support throughout the year so far. Your words of encouragement and praise really mean a lot as well. We are a brilliant group and have great kids and great parents!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Bridge Too Far...

Last night the Scouts built a bridge over a chasm (well, a really big ditch!) in Horse Carr Wood.

The Scouts rediscovered their sense of adventure, and fear of heights, whilst walking the tightrope over the ditch!

A wobbly good time was had by all involved!