Sunday, February 10, 2008

Church Parade and camp news

Mothers Day Church Parade will be on....wait for it......Mothers Day! That's 2 March. Please be at hq for 10:10 in full,smart uniform with collection money optional. It should finish around 11:40 and is a family friendly service so please feel free to join us.

Camp: There are only 2 Scouts and 3 Cubs not going this year which is fantastic. Almost a full turn out. 2 of the 5 are on holiday or still in school but would have gone otherwise. If you haven't already done so, we need you to have paid at least £75 by now. If you want a kit list early then just ask me but otherwise we will give them out when we have our camp meeting.

Beaver and Cub Activities

Beavers have been making a totem pole, Native American headresses and Chinese lanterns of late. This is all to do with their 2008 Challenge Badge where we are looking at other countries. If anyone has anything interesting from another country to show us please let me know. Ideally, I could do with finding someone from another country to come along and talk to us. Anyone any ideas?
Cubs have been decoding ciphers and having a go at a practise piece of tie-dye. If they come out ok then I will be asking them to bring along a white cotton t-shirt to tie-dye and decorate.