Saturday, April 19, 2008

Watch this space!

We are attending the District Camp this year at Silverwood Scout site on the weekend of 20th June. That is, Friday evening to Sunday teatime. It will be open to Cubs and Scouts and will probably cost somewhere in the region of £20. Watch out for the application forms coming your way.

Friday, April 11, 2008

St Georges Day

Our district St Georges day event will be held on Sunday 20th April. Please meet at Darfield h.q. (next to the church and Cross Keys pub) for 1:45. I'll have a better idea of a pickup time after Tuesday so ask me Weds or Thursday. Please ensure full, smart uniform is worn and black shoes. I am proud that Ardsley is usually the best turned out Group. There will be a collection in church should you wish to contribute. Please feel welcome to join us on the day.


The fayre will be held on Sat 14th June at 1pm. We will be relying on any donations you might be able to pass our way. Watch out for a letter coming home with details of suitable items.