Tuesday, April 27, 2010

St Georges Day Parade

A big thanks to all who came to St Georges Day Parade on Sunday

Friday, April 23, 2010

Animal Masks

Last week the beaver's were little animals.

St. George's Day Parade - 25 April

Here are the arrangements for this Sunday's St. George's Day Parade. The parade will set off from Wombwell Scout Hut, march to St Mary's Church where there will be a short service, and then march back again. We will be meeting at 2pm and expect to finish at approx 4pm.

Wombwell Scout Hut is located at Wainwright Place, off Wilson Street. Head along Wombwell Lane past Tescos, and keep going until you come to the roundabout. Then take the right fork Barnsley Road. Wilson Street is the next right turn. After 200 metres watch out for leaders. We will wait on Wilson Street so you can drop off without parking. Leaders will be there from 1.50pm. The parade leaves at 2.20pm so don't be late!

Wear full uniform, including black shoes or trainers if you have them.

Parents, you are welcome to follow the parade on foot, but there may not be any room in the church. If not, we'll should be back at Wombwell Scout Hut by approx. 4pm.

Please do not try and park in Wainwright Place; we have been asked to keep it clear for the parade and residents' vehicles.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

District Beaver Hike

Ardsley are hosting this event on Saturday 15th May 10 til 12 noon. The plan is to meet on the Trans Pennine Trail opposite Tesco at 10 am and walk to Mitchell's duckpond to feed the ducks. After a drink and biscuits we will walk back to the starting point for 12 noon. The path is now covered in tarmac so will be fine if it rains. Please let me know if your child will be attending.

Beaver Quiz Update

I was thrilled to find that 10 of my Beavers turned up tonight for this event. Three of ours joined up to make a team with Wombwell's 3 and they won! Wombwell is to keep the trophy for a few months and then pass it on to us. It will be presented to the winning team on Sunday. Our other 7 Beavers came second. Thanks to Darfield for hosting this.

Monday, April 05, 2010


SUNDAY 25TH APRIL 2 - 4PM. This event will be held at Wombwell but we will send out further details nearer the date. PLEASE make every effort to attend this event. Beavers and Cubs MUST tell Kim IN WRITING if they will not be attending no later than 21/22nd April. This is a very important date in the Scouting calendar and all members of the Group are expected to attend. If you have any transport problems let me know and I will see if I can get a lift for your child.


This event will be held at Darfield Church Hall at 6pm on TUESDAY 20th April. Please make every effort to attend and support our Group in winning this competition. It should end about 7pm. Wear uniform. There will be a Beavers on Weds as normal.

Friday, April 02, 2010

odd bits from kim

Just to say thanks very much to all of you who paid your subs on Weds/Thurs for April. Most had the correct change as well and the job was a whole lot easier. If the rest of you pay next week the job's a good 'un and I can forget Subs until May.

All Sections are running meetings as normal throughout the school hols. Bring a coat/jacket with you though as we'll go out and about when possible.

Summer gala: Thanks a lot to those who have started to bring items in for this. To add to the list of wanted items, could I ask you to pass along any crockery you don't mind getting smashed? Not glass though.

Happy Easter Everyone from all the Leaders! xx