Sunday, October 14, 2007

10 and 11 November

Saturday 10th is the District Swimming Gala at Wombwell Baths. Final details to follow but I would hope that we get better support for this event than we did for the events at Silverwood today. Beavers will be allowed to have free access to the small pool as long as a parent is with them. This has nothing to do with the gala though. All details to follow.
Sunday 11th is the Remembrance Day Service. If you cannot attend this service, Cubs and Scouts, you MUST bring written apologies signed by a parent. May I remind you that this is a very important service as it is a time for you, as Scouters, to pay your respects to the many Scouts who supported our country during WW2, some of whom died doing so. Many received the Victoria Cross. I expect you to also do your duty and attend this service. Doing your duty is after all, one of the things you promise to do when you are invested into your section.

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