Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Fayre Update

I would like to say, on behalf of my fellow Leaders a very big thank you to everyone who sent in donations. We had some smashing items. Also, a big thank you to all our bakers - the buns and cakes looked lovely and were a big success, we didn't have any left. Also, we must say thank you to Richard, Rebecca and Sammy, Jackie, Jill, Nathan, Daniel, Katie and Katie's gran for all their help with the stalls. This whole Group effort made a grand profit of £354.89 and we still have a few items to have a small raffle with on the Summer camp meeting night and a Radley designer handbag to sell on ebay, so hopefully the total will rise somewhat. We also had a very generous donation of £60 from one of our church friends. I am going to split the money between all 3 sections this year. Cubs and Scouts will have some extra summer camp activities with their money and Beavers will have a sleepover camp in September with theirs. So, on behalf of all our children THANKYOU.

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