Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gala Outcome

We had a lovely day for the most part with only a slight shower here and there. The Crockery Smash was smashing! The Stocks were splashing! The Coconuts weren't shy! The cakes were scrumptious; the Afternoon Teas delightful; the Tombola (due to the quality of the donations) was busy, busy, busy; and the books flew off the tables too. The cards, toys and bric a brac were slower but helped by the Queen of Hearts game made a very tidy contribution to the end profits. (£133) The secret ingredient in the special cake was not guessed so we held a draw of all the contestants and the winner was Alice Hyde, who came back later to collect her prize cake.

We normally make about £350 from this summer event but due to your very generous donations, support and attendance on the day, and a lot of hard work from Leaders, Scouts and several parents and grandparents on the day, this year we made a staggering profit of..... £659.22. Yes, that's £659.22. Absolutely, gobsmackingly amazing!

So, a very huge thankyou from the Leaders and the children of our Group to you all for helping with your donations to raise this fantastic amount of money. And a very special thankyou from all of us must go to Julie, Jackie K, Jackie H, Rebecca, Richard, Helen and last but certainly not least, Maureen for their help on the day. Thank you.

We'll let you know what we spend the money on as soon as we can.

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