Thursday, September 15, 2011

Advance Notice - Subscriptions to rise to £9 from January 2012

The group has agreed to raise the subscription charge to £9 per month, for all members, in all sections, starting in January 2012.  The fee has remained at its current level for many years and we regret having to raise the charge at a time of economic hardship for so many.  But as all of you will know, living costs have continued to rise steadily over the past 5 years and the cost of the utilities is expected to continue to keep rising in the near future.

However I'm sure that you will agree that this charge still represents fantastic value for money. We strongly believe that Ardsley Scout Group provides a well rounded programme of scout based activities for all sections from Beavers, Cubs, Scouts through to Explorers.  We look forward to your ongoing support and your continuing commitment to help us provide all our Scouts, whatever age, with a range of exciting adventures.

Thank you.

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