Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Arrangements over Christmas

First, a big thank you to all those who attended the Christingle Church Parade on Sunday - it was fantastic to see so many of you there. Special thanks to Josh, Niall, Will and Wes for doing the readings - you were great.

Tomorrow (Wednesday 21st) it's Panto night. We're off to see Cinderella at the Academy Theatre in Birdwell. If you've bought tickets to this event we'll see you there, from 6.30pm. The panto starts at 7.00pm so don't be late!

Just a reminder there are no meetings this week or next week. We're back to normal on 4/5th January. Don't forget subs go up to £9 per month from January.

Finally, on behalf of all the Leaders, I'd like to thank you for your support during 2011 and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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