Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Scout Camp - Great Towers

Scouts spent the weekend at Great Towers camp site in the Lake District. We went up on the Friday night, arriving with just enough daylight left to put the tents up and have some supper. On the Saturday we took a couple of dragon boats out on Lake Windermere and chased each other around the lake with the occasional water fight thrown in for good measure. On Sunday we did a bit of rock climbing then headed into Bowness for the afternoon. By Monday the weather had turned and we packed up in a steady drizzle. Still a good time was had by all, and we're already looking forward to our next camp which is the District Camp in June. We do have a few photos which we'll pop on the blog shortly.

Note to parents: Can you please ask Scouts to check themselves for ticks - I've heard from one Scout who has discovered a tick since returning. You can find advice on tick removal here.

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